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Joe is one of the many rising chefs in Singapore. He shows great delight in asian cuisine and aims to captivate his customers taste buds with his cooking. The menu's main focus is on Japanese, Korean, Indian and Chinese dishes.
Born in Southern California, Joe was already showing his culinary inclination at the age of five, when he surprised his parents by ordering “escargots” at a restaurant. At the age of 15, he had developed a full-fledge passion for good food and they knew that we wanted to study culinary arts. By 25, he had his own restaurant and it was a favourite among the locals.
He soon then moved to Singapore to expand his business and started his first restaraunt in 2009. Joe's philosophy is to create a simple yet unique taste from the famous dishes of different cultures. His burning passion is what inspired his fellow colleagues to work towards being a renowed company in singapore. He is a good role model towards his acquintances and has taken many disciples under him.

"Food is the best way to express your feelings"
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